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Charity - Online Stock Catalog

Whilst volunteering for social enterprise Out of the Dark, I created an online stock catalog.

Out of the Dark offered customers the opportunity to purchase re-cycled furniture which could be hand painted in a custom design of their choosing. The charity had a warehouse full of unpainted furniture. However, the only way for Customers to view stock was via a PDF document or visiting the warehouse. In addition, there was no easy way to keep track of, or value, stock.

Following completion of a five day introduction to Microsoft .NET development course, I completed the stock catalog project using, and expanding on, the skills obtained. The following areas were explored:

  • Use of Microsoft Visual Studio

  • Setup of Microsoft Azure hosted .NET Web application, SQL database and Blob storage

  • Responsive User Interface Design

The resulting online application allows users to browse a stock catalog and provides role based security, whereby administrators can login to update the catalog. VIEW APPLICATION

As a follow up project, I implemented business intelligence (BI) reporting on the stock catalog.

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